أخبارمعارض ومؤتمرات

Job termination of K.A.C employees an appeal to re-instate their services .

Kuwait: 19 June 2020

To Whoever It May Concern,
My message is for the good people of our government concerning the plight of the 1500 jobs that were lost and to plea with the government to return to their work.

This decision to inform the expatriates that it is directive from the government is inappropriate in the country of His Highness the Amir of humanity. This decision was made arbitrarily toward the expats “Stewards & Air-Hostess” without prior notice.
Those against whom the decision was issued agreed to live without a salary for a few months rather than lose their job but the main point is that this decision is not in favor of ‘Kuwaitization’.
Or reducing losses, rather it has created panic and desperation especially in the lives of the people concerned.

The shocking decision of Kuwait airways administration to terminate the services of 1500 expatriates in the company has caused a humanitarian tragedy that has never been seen or heard of in the state of the Amir of humanity.

The catastrophic impact on the lives of those suddenly discharged especially during the already prevailing circumstances has taken a blow especially on their financial obligations with regard to banks, school fees for their children, university fees as well as the loans that have not yet been paid nor will it meet the bleeding obligations they that have in their present living conditions.

Mr. Al-Obaid, who previously worked for the same company as an auditor and security inspector in the top management,  described the decision of the “Kuwaiti” as “arbitrary unjust ” due to the resulting disasters ~ in every sense of the word ~ that will befall the lives of these workers, as all of them spent between 5 to 25 years working in the company and many of them were among the front lines in the crisis of “Covid-19” during the evacuation flights of Kuwaiti citizens from abroad. In addition to the deportation of residents to their countries, in which they were subject to-death like risks, after which the company rewards them by “termination” as the price for their services overnight, because of the consequences of the corona virus, as well as the planned “Kuwaitization” process.

Mr. Al-Obaid believed that both were false beliefs, so the company’s management had to prepare a plan according to the process of Kuwaitization gradually, in order to terminate the services of employees in the operational departments (pilots- aviation engineers- hostess) who work in the most important sector in all global airlines who have been trained at the highest levels in operation and emergency. This decision will be reversed because after a short period the institution will require the hiring of new employees who might not have sufficient experience to operate this vital sector, and will require high cost. All these decisions were not taken into consideration the professional way while managing the crisis and risks, which will thus contribute to fall of the shares and the reputation of the National carrier.

The management’s decision of reducing employees should have been gradually decided and not in this huge number, thinking that it will reduce the losses due to Covid-19 crisis. This is a mistake and this decision will result in a loss because the company will work in the near future resuming their flights and will have to hire new employees thus resulting in extra losses to the company.

The airlines in the region have begun to resume flights to many destinations and these companies, including Emirates and Qatar Airways, have backed away from the decision to reduce employment that was previously announced due to the crisis of “Covid-19”, realizing that this is a loss of their trained experienced staff. Terminating will increase the burden on management in terms of training the newly employed staff in the long run when operations resume. So these companies did well when they changed their decision.

Therefore, it will be wise on the part of Kuwait Airways to follow the example of these established companies in the region and back down from this grave decision of terminating the foreign staff who have fallen into a desperate situation in their life after being told to end their services, because they are the ones who are in shock by the size of their debts and responsibilities.

With this high number of terminated staff it will result in significant shortage in the operational performance of Kuwait Airways during the next stage after opening the airport and resumption of commercial flights this will push the company to rehire new Kuwaiti employees who will have to prepare training courses for them on the company’s new fleet! Not to mention the near completion of the new Kuwaiti International Airport, which obviously will require a larger capacity of operating staff which the labor market in the country lacks.

It is highly recommended that the government, the board of directors and the company’s higher management reconsider this grave decision with compassion for employees who have spent their lives loyally serving this company by providing them with solutions. An example would include paid and unpaid leave for a few months, at least until the condition in the country is restored to normal levels, thus avoiding losses to both parties resulting in gratitude by deserving staff.

If services are ended under the present circumstances it will affect the staff holding residency under Article-17, which does not allow them to transfer to private business nor can they leave in a way that will be satisfactory as some are required to pay their obligations first before leaving. Keeping in mind that each one of these families consist of at least 4-5 individuals, so how can we expect them to leave in such a short period of time without paying their debts?

In conclusion, I hope this will not result in court matters as justice will be served to my clients in order to preserve the reputation of this great country and all international countries

Finally, yes, we are all with the Kuwaitis and the Kuwaitization of all sectors in the state, provided we are prepared with a plan in advance for a smooth transition to avoid damage to anyone.


First:  Three months of paid / un-paid leave or giving a period of two years of work in the operational sector until the Kuwaitis are trained and ready to take over while keeping them in housing until an alternative is found.

Second: Enabling them to transfer their residency to private sectors or joining their family’s residencies.
Third: A fair reviewing of employee files to make sure that the most deserving staff are given the first priority.
Fourth: To review the choices made to ensure that no favoritism or unjust decision was applied to end their services.
Fifth: Submit an operational plan for the next stage of operations beyond the Covid-19 pandemic, and according to the number of both existing and new aircrafts and the requirement of the new airport in the near future.
Sixth: And lastly to acknowledge that the flight service department should not be included in any reductions as it is more favorable to appoint Kuwaitis in offices and decision making sections, thus leading the National carrier to prosperity.

Talal Al-Obaid
International lawyer/human rights activist

-IATA Certified Operating Safety Auditor
-International Quality Managment Organization (ISO) auditor.
-Member of the emergency and disaster team at Kuwait International Airport
-Secretary of the Freedom Organization for Human Rights.  (Geneva)
-Member of the Arab Lawyers Union.
-Member of the Committee for the Protection of Public Funds and the Fight against Corruption and the Center for Human Rights (affiliated with the Kuwaiti Lawyers Association)
-Operational Safety Auditor is accredited by the following organizations: IATA- IOSA- ICAO- ISO- TSA
